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Mopping: Oft-Overlooked but Key to Health


  • 1. The Dangers of Unmopped floors
  • 2. A Modern Mopping Solution
  • 3. Freo: A Healthy Solution for Healthy Floors

    Maintaining a clean environment is an incredibly important, if sometimes rather boring, part of our lives - but it's when we realize this importance that we also come to realize that cleaning isn't as simple as we first thought. Even something as seemingly basic as flooring has a lot of variables that factor into how it's cleaned, from the flooring type to the kinds of messes that happen to it and more. The fact of the matter is, just sweeping isn't enough for truly clean floors, which is why we here at Narwal made sure that our newest cleaning robot, Freo, had top-class mopping capabilities. But why exactly is mopping important, and how does Freo do such a good job?

The Dangers of Unmopped floors

    Sweeping might be enough to clear your floors of some debris, but it leaves behind something far worse than dust and dirt: bacteria. While it might seem insignificant because it's on the ground, bacteria and allergen buildup on floors can pose real health risks. Those most at risk are children and pets, who unfortunately have both the most direct contact with flooring and the highest likelihood of putting their feet, hands, or paws in their mouths. While floor cleanliness has not been the focus of many studies, the research that has been conducted directly links dirty floors to illness in both children and pets. While some might feel that exposure to bacteria isn't all bad, especially for children who are still building their immune system, doctors actually emphasize the importance of a hygienic home environment over trying to expose kids to more germs, so it really isn't worth the risk.

    Children and pets aren't the only ones at risk, though - even adults can experience the adverse effects of dirty floors. You might not spend your days touching the ground like pets and kids do, but bacteria from flooring can spread onto anything that touches it, from tables and beds to socks and shoes, introducing new infection vectors that can lead to infections in adults. Some studies even have found that "a significant portion of airborne bacteria… were bacteria from the floor that had been re-dispersed into the air", meaning that even just breathing around unclean floors can put you at risk. Given that floors can host all kinds of bacteria and contaminants, then, it's clear that sweeping simply isn't enough and mopping is an absolute must.

A Modern Mopping Solution

    Ironically enough, though, while not mopping poses a risk due to allergen and bacteria buildup, mopping in and of itself can pose a risk for injury as well - which is where Narwal's Freo comes in. With its advanced technology, Freo doesn't just leave your floors pristinely clean, it does it without you moving a finger. Here at Narwal, everything we do comes from two basic goals: saving our customers time and effort so they can spend more time doing what they love with the people they love, and giving floors the professional-level clean they need. It might be hard to trust a cleaning robot with your floors, but Narwal's research and development team made sure to design Freo with our customers and their floors in mind.

    One of Freo's most important features is its ability to detect different flooring types and adjust how it cleans accordingly. That means that when Freo comes across a more durable flooring type, such as tile, it increases the force of its mop pads, scrubbing out even the toughest of messes. More delicate floors, though, such as wood, get a gentler treatment with less pressure and moisture to keep your flooring in tip-top condition. Even better, despite this lower pressure, you don't have to be worried about any left-over messes thanks to Freo Mode, which makes sure Freo keeps on cleaning until your floors are spotless. Freo also automatically lifts its mops when it finds carpets, keeping them dry and preventing mold growth. No matter what your floors need, we made sure Freo will be there for you - able to take care of your floors on its own and adjustable if you want to be in control.

Freo: A Healthy Solution for Healthy Floors

    In the end, no matter what aspect of health you're talking about, Freo's got you covered. Tackling pathogens, allergens, and other contaminants with ease, you can literally breathe easy knowing that Freo is keeping you and your family safe. Thanks to the time and effort our team put into designing our newest cleaning robot, your floors will always get the clean they need without you needing to move a finger and putting yourself at risk of mopping-related injuries. Whether you're interested in learning more or ready to buy right now, you can find out more on our official page.

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