Simple Guide on How to Clean Your Sticky Floors

Jun 11, 2024 | John Zhao
Simple Guide on How to Clean Your Sticky Floors - Narwal Robotics

3 Main Methods for Cleaning Sticky Floors

tea spills on carpet

Traditional Cleaning Methods  

Use water, vinegar, or specialized floor cleaners, etc. Simple and budget-friendly.

Smart Cleaning Method  

Handle sticky floors using a robot mop with minimal effort. Saves time and ensures consistent cleaning.

Combine-Them-Both Method 

Best results: use a robot mop for daily clearance and traditional methods as a boost.

Why Are My Floors Sticky?

Here are some usual culprits behind those stubborn floors that just won’t stay clean:

  1. Too Much Cleaner: Using too much cleaning product or not diluting it properly. 
  2. Spills and Dirt: Not cleaning up spills or dirt right away can cause stickiness. 
  3. Wrong Cleaner: Using the wrong type of cleaner can make floors sticky. 
  4. Dirty Cleaning Water: Using dirty water to clean spreads dirt around. 
  5. Poor Equipment: Dirty or old mops and buckets can leave a residue. 
  6. Built-up Grime: Floors can get sticky from layers of dirt over time.  


How Do We Prevent Sticky Floors?

Only knowing why your floors get sticky is not enough. Taking some effective precautions can save you a lot of cleaning hassle later. Here’s what you can do to prevent sticky floors:

Use the Right Cleaners

  • Follow the instructions for diluting floor cleaners to avoid sticky residues.
  • Choose neutral pH cleaners instead of harsh chemicals.

Rinse Well

  • Always rinse with clean water after mopping.
  • Dry mop or use a clean microfiber cloth to remove extra moisture.

Clean Spills Fast

  • Wipe up spills immediately to prevent them from becoming sticky.

Use Door Mats

  • Place mats at all entrances to keep dirt and debris off your floors.

Clean Regularly

  • Schedule regular cleaning to prevent grime and residues from becoming heavy stains.

Check Your Tools

  • Make sure your cleaning equipment is clean and free of old cleaning solutions.


Traditional Cleaning Methodstraditional way of mopping floors

While modern marvels have their merits, let's first unearth some time-honored tricks of the trade that have been conquering sticky floor woes for generations:

Warm Water Rinse

  • Mop the floor with warm water.
  • Rinse with clean water to remove any leftover residue.
  • This method is best for minor stickiness.

      Vinegar Solution

      • Mix one cup of white vinegar with one gallon of warm water.
      • Mop the floor with this solution.
      • Rinse with clean water to ensure no vinegar residue remains.
      • Vinegar's acidity helps break down tough grime.

          Floor Cleaner

          • Use a floor cleaner suitable for your floor type.
          • Mix it with warm water and mop the floor.
          • Rinse with clean water to prevent any sticky residue.
          • Always follow the instructions on the cleaner’s label.

              Baking Soda Paste

              • Mix baking soda with water to form a paste.
              • Apply the paste to stubborn sticky spots.
              • Scrub gently and rinse with clean water.


              💡Safety Precautions

              Your well-being is a top priority. Make sure to follow these simple safety tips if you choose to adopt the traditional cleaning method:

              • Wear Gloves: Protect your hands from irritation and chemicals.
              • Ventilation: Open windows or doors to ensure proper ventilation when using cleaners or vinegar.
              • Test First: Always test cleaning solutions on a small, inconspicuous area to check for damage.
              • Avoid Hot Water: Use warm, not hot, water to prevent burns and floor damage.
              • Follow Instructions: Read and follow the instructions on cleaner labels.
              • Rinse Thoroughly: Ensure you rinse well to remove any residue that can make floors slippery.
              • Safe Storage: Keep all cleaning products out of reach of children and pets.


              Smart Cleaning MethodNarwal Robot Vacuum next to a soft

              Now, here comes the sticky floor slayers of the modern age - robot mops🤖! They are clever little cleaners engineered to navigate your home with precision. Take Narwal Freo X Ultra, a smart robot vacuum and mop, as an example below. Check the following features, and you’ll know why robot mops are up to this tedious cleaning task.

              Sensor Technology  

              You probably know that robot mops rely on sensors to identify dirt. Narwal robot mops monitor dirt levels in real-time with their world’s first DirtSense™ Technology, which ensures that they keep cleaning until all dirt is gone. Sticky floor? No, smooth floor!

              Narwal Robot Vacuum dirt detection

              Microfiber Pads  

              Narwal Freo X Ultra robot mops use rotating microfiber pads dampened with water or cleaning solutions. These pads loosen and absorb sticky messes from your floors. It’s kind of similar to traditional cleaning methods, but it will be the robot mops that do the job, not you.

              Super Mopping Performance  

              See those mopping pads of Narwal robot mops’? Those pads don't just spin. They apply a 12N downward pressure at 180 RPM and actively push down to scrub away stubborn stains. This is way more effective than just sliding over stains like ordinary robot mops. Do you know the secret of our unique structure design that forges our outstanding mopping performance? Our engineers have increased the weight pressure on the rear half of the robot to increase the mopping pressure. This helps make the floor cleaner and remove stubborn stains more effectively. But you don’t need to worry about the torque balance inside the robot. Our design also ensures its stability and prevents it from shaking.

              Narwal Freo X Ultra with 12N downward Mopping pressure

              Cleaning Solutions  

              Do you know that you can add a small amount of “cleaning magic liquid” to your water tank? Yes, we are talking about those floor cleaners. Robot mops could use them, too. They are added automatically while cleaning mop pads in the base station. This helps dissolve sticky buildup and makes our little robot mops clean more effectively.

              All-In-One Base Station

              Narwal Robot Mops features an all-in-one base station. It automatically washes and dries the mop pads. No manual work is needed. It also has auto detergent dispensing, auto station cleaning, and auto dust box drying features. These features offer you a hands-free experience.

              all-in-one base station for Narwal Robot Vacuum

              After our little robots loosen the sticky mess, their microfiber pads absorb and trap the grime. The robot returns to its base station to clean and rinse the pads, keeping them effective.

              💡Precaution Tips

              While these high-tech cleaning champions make sticky messes quake under their non-existent boots, even the mightiest robot mop is useless if you don’t know how to operate it. Remember these key precaution tips before you deploy your little grime-fighter:

              Pre-Use Checks

              • Read all manufacturer instructions and warnings.
              • Clear clutter, open doors, and arrange furniture for more space. Block off areas the robot shouldn't enter.
              • Inspect for any damage, fluid spills, or loose wires/cables. Do not operate if damaged.
              • Add clean water without exceeding the maximum level.
              • Use only approved, mild cleaning solutions. Avoid harsh chemicals.

              During Operation

              • Avoid excessively wet floors or large puddles to prevent water damage.
              • For non-collaborative robots, ensure all people stay outside the robot's workspace.
              • Monitor your robot occasionally to avoid getting stuck or facing issues.

              After Use & Maintenance

              • Disable and unplug the robot mop when not in use and before maintenance.
              • Regularly clean dust bins and filters, replace pads/cloths and check sensors for blockage.
              • Follow all manufacturer care and maintenance instructions.


              Traditional Cleaning Methods Vs. Smart Cleaning Method


              Traditional Cleaning Methods

              Smart Cleaning Method

              Cleaning Effectiveness

              Better for deep cleaning and sanitizing

              Ideal for routine hard floor maintenance


              Good performance on carpets and embedded dirt

              Effective on various types of floors

              Handles embedded dirt and hairs


              Allows use of disinfecting solutions

              Limited sanitization capabilities

              Ease of Use

              Requires more physical effort and hands-on time

              Convenient and automated operation


              Manual operation

              Navigates and cleans autonomously

              Physical Labor

              Requires significant physical labor

              Less physical labor required


              Which Method Should I Choose?

              For best results, consider buying a robot mop to manage everyday cleaning. Use traditional cleaning methods for deep cleaning or stubborn sticky spots that the robot mop may not be able to handle. This combination ensures your floors remain clean and sticky-free with minimal effort.



              Why is my floor sticky even after mopping?

              Sticky floors after mopping are usually caused by soap residue left behind. To prevent this, use a floor cleaner designed for your floor type and rinse with clean water afterward.

              What is the best method to clean a sticky floor?

              For tile and laminate floors, use a vinegar-water solution. For hardwood floors, use a cleaner designed for wood and avoid excessive water. Always dry the floor thoroughly after cleaning.

              Can I prevent my floor from becoming sticky?

              Yes, by avoiding overuse of cleaning products, rinsing after mopping, using entry mats, regularly sweeping, and using a steam mop to clean without residue.
