The 2 Best Robot Vacuums for Pet Hair in 2024

Jun 18, 2024 | John Zhao
The 2 Best Robot Vacuums for Pet Hair in 2024 - Narwal Robotics

Are you constantly battling endless pet hair in your home? Does your robot vacuum struggle with pet hair tangling or clogging? For pet owners, dealing with pet hair can be a real challenge. But don’t worry – we have the perfect solution to simplify your life. This article will show you our two best-picked robot vacuums for pet hair that can handle the problem. You’ll also learn how these devices deal with pet hair and how to choose the right one. Let’s dive in!

How Do Robot Vacuums Deal with Pet Hair?

Robot vacuums are equipped with powerful suction, specialized brushes, and large dustbins to handle the extra load of pet hair. These features ensure that pet hair is effectively removed from all surfaces, including carpets, hardwood floors, tiles, etc. Advanced sensors help these smart vacuums navigate your home, avoiding obstacles and reaching under furniture where pet hair tends to accumulate.

Our 2 Best Picks for Pet Hair: Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo X Plus

Narwal Freo X Ultra robot vacuum for pet

Narwal Freo X Ultra


Narwal Freo X Ultra is an exceptional choice for pet owners. It boasts a powerful suction of 8,200Pa, ensuring that even the tiniest pet hairs are captured from floors and carpets. This high suction power is crucial for homes with pets, as it removes up to 99% of particles from hard flooring. This robot vacuum cleaner features an SGS-certified zero-tangle design, preventing hair from getting stuck in the brush. The revolutionary roller brush design with 50-degree bristles helps direct hair straight into the dustbin without clogging. In addition to its impressive suction power, Narwal Freo X Ultra offers 7 weeks of dust storage thanks to its dust compression technology. This means fewer trips to empty the bin and more time enjoying your clean home. Plus, its built-in HEPA dust bag captures tiny particles, reducing allergens in your home by up to 85%.

Additional Features

Besides its pet-friendly capabilities, Narwal Freo X Ultra also includes:

  • All-in-One Base Station: Auto mop washing, auto warm air drying, auto detergent dispensing, auto station cleaning, and auto dust bag drying. Narwal Freo X Ultra realizes the dream of having a do-it-all automated cleaning machine.
  • Tri-Laser Navigation & Avoidance: Uses LiDAR 4.0 Navigation to create a real-time 3D map for your home and avoid small and low-lying avoidance with an advanced Tri-Laser sensor array.
  • DirtSense™ Technology: Sensor arrays and algorithms monitor in real-time and won’t stop mopping until floors are flawless.
  • Customizable Cleaning Modes: Offers Freo Mind, Vacuum and Mop, Vacuum Then Mop, Vacuum Only, and Mop Only, up to 5 modes for your needs.
  • Smart Control: Allows you to control it through both the app and voice. You can also schedule cleaning sessions from your smartphone.


Narwal Freo X Plus


The Narwal Freo X Plus is another top pick for tackling pet hair. It offers a flagship-level suction power of 7,800Pa, making sure all pet hair, even those deeply embedded in carpets, is collected efficiently. This level of suction power ensures that up to 99% of particles are removed from hard floors. Its ultra-quiet dust-emptying solution allows you to run the vacuum without disturbing your pets or family. The zero-tangling floating brush is perfect for homes with multiple pets, preventing any hair from clogging the machine. It also provides up to 7 weeks of dust storage, minimizing maintenance and keeping your house clean with less effort. Narwal Freo X Plus also features a revolutionary roller brush design that releases hair aerodynamically into the dust bin. It ensures a 0% tangle rate, even for hair lengths up to 16 inches.

Additional Features

Narwal Freo X Plus comes with several other features that enhance its functionality:

  • Tri-Laser Navigation & Avoidance: Similar to Narwal Freo X Ultra, it employs advanced sensors to map your home, avoid furniture and other obstacles, and prevent falling from stairs.
  • Corner-to-Edge Mopping Reach: Smart SwingEdge allows mop heads to rotate right up to floor edges, increasing floor coverage up to 40% for a deeper clean.
  • Ultra-Large Battery: Narwal Freo X Plus cleans up to 254 minutes and goes right back to where it left off after a quick charge.
  • No-Go Zones: You can set up no-go zones with ease to keep your robot from entering the wrong places.
  • Quiet Operation: Runs quietly at 50 dB, making it perfect for cleaning while you relax or work from home.

What to Look for When Choosing a Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair?

When selecting the best robot vacuum for pet hair, please consider the following features:

  1. Suction Power: Higher suction power is crucial for effectively picking up pet hair, especially on carpets and rugs where hair can become embedded. Aim for a robot vacuum with at least 3,000Pa suction power, but models like Narwal Freo X Ultra (8,200Pa) and Narwal Freo X Plus (7,800Pa) offer even better performance.
  2. Zero-Tangling and No-Clogging Design: Pet hair can easily get tangled around brushes. It reduces the vacuum’s efficiency and requires frequent maintenance. Look for vacuums with anti-tangle technology, such as the zero-tangling roller brush found in Narwal Freo X Plus, which ensures smooth operation without constant interruptions.
  3. Dust Compression for More Storage: Pet hair takes up a lot of space in a dustbin. Vacuums with dust compression technology can compact the collected debris, allowing for longer cleaning sessions without emptying the bin. This feature is especially beneficial for pet owners, especially those with many pets.
  4. HEPA Dust Bag for Anti-Allergy: Pet hair often comes with dander, which can trigger allergies. A robot vacuum with a HEPA filter traps tiny particles, keeping the air cleaner and reducing allergens. This is particularly important for households with allergy sufferers. Both Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo X Plus come with HEPA dust bags, which can capture up to 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.
  5. Auto-Drying for No Hygiene or Odor Worries: Moist environments can lead to mold and unpleasant odors, especially when dealing with pet hair. An auto-drying feature keeps the vacuum and its components dry and hygienic. This feature helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold, ensuring a healthier home environment for both you and your pets.


Are bagged robot vacuums better than bagless models for pet hair?

Whether a vacuum is bagged or bagless doesn't affect its ability to pick up hair. However, like the Narwal models with HEPA dust bags, bagged robot vacuums generally have better filtration. They can trap more allergens, making them more hygienic for pet owners. If you don’t like dust bags, we also have a dust bin instead.

Do I need to clean the brushes often?

Both Narwal models have a zero-tangling design. So you won’t need to clean the brushes as frequently. This design prevents hair from getting stuck and ensures smooth operation.

Can these robot vacuums handle large amounts of pet hair?

Yes, both Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo X Plus have powerful suction and large dust storage capacities, making them perfect for homes with pets.