Round & Square Robot Vacuum: Which Is Better

Jun 24, 2024 | John Zhao
Round & Square Robot Vacuum: Which Is Better - Narwal Robotics

Robot vacuums have come a long way since they first hit the market in the early 2000s. They’ve transformed from cool gadgets to essential home helpers with smart navigation systems, sensors, and even AI. Nowadays, you can choose between round and square (or D-shaped) designs, each with its own perks. Which is better? Round robot vacuums are great for zipping around furniture and tight spaces. Square ones are champs at cleaning corners and edges. The best choice really depends on your home and what you need. In this article, we’ll compare their features to help you pick the perfect vacuum for your space.

Pros and Cons of Round Robot Vacuums

Round robot vacuums are good at moving around furniture and obstacles, handling tight turns, and navigating complex layouts with ease. They are common in the market, so they offer a wide range of models with different functions. You could also choose the robots at various price points. Their design, with simpler access to brushes and wheels, makes them easier to clean and maintain

However, they might struggle to clean corners due to their shape, making it difficult to reach edges effectively. That's why more and more round robot vacuums employ specially designed side brushes. Some of them, like Narwal Freo X Ultra, even develop technologies such as Smart EdgeSwing to counter the limitations. Round vacuums also tend to have smaller dustbins, which means you’ll need to empty them more often.

Pros and Cons of Square Robot Vacuums

Square robot vacuums are good at cleaning corners and edges. Their shape lets them get closer to walls and into tight spaces that round vacuums might miss. They usually have larger dustbins, so they can hold more debris before you need to empty them. Many square vacuums also come with advanced navigation systems, helping them clean your home more efficiently.

However, their shape can make it harder for them to move around furniture and other obstacles. They might not behave well when facing tight turns and complex layouts. Plus, there are fewer square robot vacuums available compared to round ones, so you have fewer models and price options to choose from.

Comparison: Round vs. Square Automatic Vacuums

Cleaning Efficiency

The cleaning efficiency of an automatic vacuum is crucial. Round vacuums typically come with rotating brushes and mop pads that excel at picking up debris and mopping stains on various surfaces

Square vacuums tend to have a more direct path of vacuuming and mopping. This leads to better cleaning of corners and along edges. The shape of the vacuum can significantly impact how well it covers an area. 

Square models often outperform their round counterparts in corner cleaning. However, advanced round-shaped models, such as Narwal Freo X Ultra, employ Reuleaux Triangular Mops mopping with 12N downward pressure at 180 RPM rotating speed to clean corners and edges more effectively.

Design and Navigation

Round and square automatic vacuums offer distinct designs that impact their navigation capabilities. Round vacuums often have a circular design. It enables smooth navigation around obstacles. Their rounded edges prevent them from getting stuck in tight corners. 

On the other hand, square vacuums boast edges that allow them to clean corners more efficiently. This design can result in a more thorough cleaning experience.

Narwal models, such as Narwal Freo X Ultra and Narwal Freo X Plus, boast an advanced Tri-Laser obstacle avoidance technology, a combination of structured light, infrared, and ultrasonic sensors. This further enhances their strong flexibility with the round-shaped design.

Coverage Area

Coverage area is another important factor. Round vacuums are known for their ability to navigate larger spaces with ease, thanks to their all-direction movement. They can move around obstacles and furniture without much hassle. In contrast, square vacuums might face challenges in open spaces but excel in confined areas. Their shape allows them to access and clean spaces that round vacuums might miss. This makes them a better choice for smaller, cluttered rooms.

Size and Storage

Size and storage considerations are vital for many homeowners. Round vacuums are generally more compact, making them easier to store when not in use. Their smaller size also allows them to fit under low furniture, and it ensures those areas are cleaned. Square vacuums, while potentially bulkier, often come with larger dustbins and more storage capacity for dirt and debris. It helps reduce the frequency of emptying the bin.

Battery Life and Performance

Battery life and overall performance are critical aspects to consider. Round vacuums often come with longer battery life. That’s why they have extended cleaning sessions. They can clean larger areas on a single charge, which is ideal for bigger homes. Square vacuums, however, might have shorter battery life but compensate with more powerful suction and better performance in specific areas. The choice between the two may depend on the size of your home and the specific cleaning needs.

Price and Availability

Price and availability can vary significantly between round and square automatic vacuums. Generally, round vacuums are more widely available and come in a range of prices, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. Square vacuums might be less common and often sit at a higher price point due to their advanced features and design. It’s essential to consider your budget and the availability of models in your region before making a decision.

Maintenance and Durability

Maintenance and durability are important for the long-term use of your automatic vacuum. Round vacuums tend to have simpler designs, which means fewer parts to maintain and replace. They are often built to withstand frequent use and have a reputation for durability. Square vacuums might require more maintenance with their more complex design. But they are usually built with high-quality materials that ensure longevity. Consider how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in maintenance when choosing between the two.

Noise Level

Noise level is a common concern for many users. Round vacuums typically operate more quietly. They are a better choice for homes where noise is a consideration. This is particularly important if you plan to run the vacuum while you’re at home or during nighttime hours. Square vacuums might produce more noise due to their powerful suction and more robust motors. If noise is a significant factor for you, it’s worth testing the vacuums before making a purchase.

How to Choose the Right One: Round or Square Robot Vacuum


Consider Your Home Layout

If your home has lots of furniture and tight spaces, go for a round robot vacuum. It moves around obstacles easily. However, a square vacuum might be better if your home has more open areas and you need a vacuum that can clean corners well. It can get closer to walls and into corners for a thorough clean.

Think About Cleaning Needs

Are you looking for general cleaning that’s easy to manage? Round vacuums are great for that. However, if dirt often collects in corners and along edges, a square vacuum might be more effective as it’s designed to handle those tricky spots better.

Evaluate Dustbin Capacity

Do you find emptying the dustbin often a hassle? Square vacuums typically have larger dustbins, meaning you won’t have to empty them as often. Round vacuums usually have smaller dustbins, so you’ll need to empty them more frequently. This can be annoying for larger homes. 

Check for Advanced Features

Do you want modern features like mapping, smartphone control, and automatic dirt disposal? Many round vacuums come with these features. That gives you lots of options. Square vacuums also come with advanced tech and great features, though they are fewer in number.


Why are most robot vacuum cleaners circular in shape?

Most robot vacuum cleaners are circular because this shape allows for better maneuverability and navigation around furniture and obstacles. The round design makes it easier for the vacuum to move smoothly and avoid getting stuck.

Why are robot vacuums not square?

Robot vacuums are not commonly square because the round shape is more efficient for navigating tight spaces and avoiding obstacles. Square vacuums, while better at cleaning corners, can struggle with maneuverability in complex layouts.

Do robot vacuums miss corners?

Round robot vacuums can miss corners due to their shape. However, many models come with side brushes designed to help clean edges and corners more effectively. Square vacuums are specifically designed to address this issue and are better at this aspect. But even the best robot will miss some spots, and it's less of the product's fault than anything else.

