13 Essential Smart Home Devices for Seniors

Jun 24, 2024 | John Zhao
13 Essential Smart Home Devices for Seniors - Narwal Robotics
Do you know that, between 2015 and 2050, the proportion of the world's population over 60 years old will nearly double from 12% to 22%? Caring for the elderly has always been one of the complex problems in people's lives. Fortunately, whether you are busy or away from the elderly, smart home devices can help reduce your stress. Thanks to technological advances, these devices are no longer a novelty to people nowadays. This article will show you everything you need to know about smart home devices. Let’s get started!

Benefits of Smart Home Devices for Seniors

Smart home technology offers many benefits for seniors, particularly those living alone. Here are some key advantages:

Enhancing Safety and Security

Smart home devices like security cameras, smart locks, and door sensors can help monitor the home environment, making it safer for seniors. For example, a smart doorbell can show who is at the door before the senior answers it.

Promoting Independence and Autonomy

Devices such as smart vacuum cleaners and automated lighting systems enable seniors to manage daily tasks without constant assistance. Most of these can be done by simply clicking or speaking. This makes the elderly more independent.

Providing Peace of Mind

For caregivers and family members, smart home devices offer a way to stay connected and monitor the well-being of their loved ones remotely. For example, smart medication dispensers help seniors remember to take their medicine on time, reducing missed doses.

Essential Smart Home Devices for Seniors

Daily Living, Communication, and Control

Smart Vacuum Cleaners

Cleaning tasks like vacuuming and mopping can harm the elderly’s waists. Smart vacuum cleaners are designed to automatically navigate and clean instead. Advanced models like Narwal Freo X Ultra, Narwal Freo X Plus, and Narwal Freo have powerful suction power and mopping pressure capable of working on various surfaces. They also have innovative self-contained dust collection features with large storage for less frequent manual intervention. The all-in-one base station automatically washes and dries mop pads, cleans itself, and dispenses cleaning solutions — a true maintenance-free experience. Seniors can schedule cleaning routines, and the devices will take care of the rest. It ensures a clean home without physical strain.

Smart Hubs

A smart hub centralizes control of various smart devices, making it easier for seniors to manage their home environment. They can control everything from lights to security systems using a single app or voice commands. This simplifies the process of managing multiple devices, ensuring that seniors have a user-friendly way to maintain their smart home setup.

Smart Lighting

Automated lighting systems can be set to activate or deactivate at certain times or in response to motion sensors. For seniors, navigating a dark home can be risky. Smart lighting can illuminate pathways automatically when motion is detected, reducing the chances of tripping or falling. These systems can also be adjusted to provide optimal lighting for different activities, enhancing comfort and safety.

Smart Thermostats

Heat and cold pose significant risks to the elderly, making it essential to keep their living spaces at a comfortable temperature. Smart thermostats offer a solution as they can be managed from afar and adapt to a user’s heating and cooling preferences automatically. This not only keeps the home environment ideal but also enhances energy efficiency by adjusting the temperature as needed.

Smart Stoves and Ovens

These appliances can be controlled remotely, reducing the risk of accidents in the kitchen. They can also be programmed to shut off automatically if left unattended. This feature is particularly helpful for seniors who may forget to turn off the stove, thereby preventing potential fires and ensuring a safer cooking environment.

Smart Refrigerators

A smart refrigerator can monitor your food items, track their expiration dates, and even generate shopping lists for you. Some models have cameras inside to help seniors see what they have without opening the door. This reduces the physical effort required to check contents and helps in managing groceries more efficiently, ensuring that seniors always have fresh food available.

Smart Displays and Voice-Communication Devices

Devices like smart speakers and displays (e.g., Amazon Echo Show or Google Nest Hub) can facilitate video calls, set reminders, and control other smart devices using simple voice commands. These devices simplify the way seniors connect with loved ones, organize their daily activities, and effortlessly manage their smart home settings.

Health and Emergency

Smart Emergency-Contact Systems  

Devices that can call for help in an emergency, such as fall detectors and emergency buttons, are essential for seniors living alone. These systems can alert caregivers or emergency services immediately. This immediate response capability can be lifesaving in critical situations, providing peace of mind for both seniors and their loved ones.

Smart Medication Dispensers  

These devices help seniors manage their medication schedules by providing reminders and dispensing the correct dosage at the right times. This lowers the chance of skipping doses or taking them incorrectly. It is especially crucial for seniors who have complicated medication schedules. Some models even notify caregivers if a dose is missed, ensuring that seniors stay on track with their medications.

Smart Beds  

Smart beds can monitor vital signs, adjust firmness for comfort, and even alert caregivers if there are significant changes in the senior’s health status. These features ensure that seniors get a good night’s sleep while providing valuable health data to caregivers, enabling proactive health management.

Safety and Security

Smart Security Systems  

Including cameras, motion sensors, and smart locks, these systems provide 24/7 monitoring and control over who enters the home. They can alert seniors and caregivers to any unusual activity, enhancing the security of the home and providing peace of mind. Some systems can even be accessed remotely, allowing family members to keep an eye on their loved ones from afar.

Smart Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors  

These detectors can alert seniors and their caregivers of potential dangers, even when they are not at home, through smartphone notifications. This ensures that any smoke or carbon monoxide issues are detected early, reducing the risk of harm. Some models can also automatically contact emergency services, providing an additional layer of protection.

Smart Door Sensors and Motion Detectors  

These can alert seniors or their caregivers if a door is opened unexpectedly or if there is movement in the house during unusual hours. This helps prevent unauthorized entry and ensures that seniors are aware of any unusual activity in their homes, enhancing overall security.

Implementation and Use for Seniors

Making smart home devices accessible and user-friendly for seniors is crucial. Here are some tips you should know:

  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Devices should have intuitive controls and easy-to-read displays. Large buttons and voice control can significantly enhance usability.
  • Remote Access via Smartphone Apps: Many smart devices can be controlled through smartphone apps, allowing caregivers to assist remotely.
  • Voice Activation: Voice-controlled devices like smart speakers can simplify the interaction with technology, especially for those who may have difficulty with small buttons or screens.

💡Training and Education

It's essential to ensure that both seniors and their caregivers understand how to use these devices. Simple instruction manuals, video tutorials, and in-person demonstrations can be very helpful. Ideally, an in-person demonstration is often more effective.

Privacy and Security Considerations for Seniors

While smart devices offer many benefits, they also come with privacy and security risks. Here are some measures you should know to protect the elderly:

  • Risks of Internet-Connected Devices: Ensure all devices are connected to a secure Wi-Fi network. Use strong, unique passwords for each device.
  • Data Protection Measures: Regularly update device firmware and software to protect against security vulnerabilities. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Ensuring Consent and Transparency in Monitoring: It is important that seniors understand what information is being gathered and how it will be utilized. They should agree to any monitoring activities.
  • Tips on Identifying and Avoiding Common Scams: Educate seniors about phishing emails, suspicious links, and fraudulent calls. Encourage them to ask for help if they are unsure about any online communication.


Intelligent home devices greatly improve the lives of elderly individuals by offering increased independence, safety, and comfort. As technology progresses, these devices will become increasingly essential in elderly care. From smart vacuum cleaners like our Narwal Freo series to advanced security systems, the future of smart home technology holds exciting possibilities for making aging in place a reality for more people.


How can smart homes help the elderly?

Smart homes improve the quality of life for the elderly by enhancing safety, promoting independence, and offering convenience. Devices like smart security systems, lighting, and vacuum cleaners help manage daily tasks, while medication dispensers and emergency systems ensure timely care.

How do you monitor an old person living alone?

Smart security cameras, motion sensors, and wearables like smartwatches are used to monitor health and detect falls. Smart speakers and hubs allow for regular check-ins via voice or video calls, ensuring safety and communication.

How do I turn my old house into a smart home?

  1. Set Up Wi-Fi: Ensure a reliable, secure internet connection.
  2. Start with Basics: Install smart plugs, lights, and a thermostat.
  3. Use a Smart Hub: Centralize control with a hub or voice assistant.
  4. Add Security: Include cameras, door sensors, and smart locks.
  5. Expand Gradually: Add more devices like smart vacuums and kitchen appliances.