1.Subscription Services
All subscription services provided by Narwal are auto-renewal subscriptions, including:
Quarterly accessory bundle auto-renewal subscription ("Quarterly Subscription");
Semi-annual accessory bundle auto-renewal subscription ("Semi-Annual Subscription"). The contents of the bundles are as displayed on the website. Narwal reserves the right of final interpretation.
2.Agreement to Terms
By purchasing these subscriptions, you agree to:
An initial and ongoing payment obligation, charged at the prevailing subscription rate.
Responsibility for all recurring charges until cancellation, including charges that may occur after your payment card expires.
Allow Narwal to charge your payment method periodically (e.g., quarterly or annually) without further authorization until you notify us in advance to terminate authorization or change the payment method.
3.Auto-Renewal Terms
Your subscription will automatically renew according to the cycle of the subscribed product, and the payment method will be charged at the then-current subscription rate until you cancel the subscription.
4.Cancellation Policy
You can modify your subscription plan in the following ways:
Log in to your account, go to "My Subscriptions," and view, modify, or cancel your order.
Contact our customer support team by emailing support.na@global.narwal.com, and they will assist you. After canceling your subscription, fulfilled subscription plans will not be refunded. Future subscription plans will be canceled, and Narwal ensures the responsible use of stored user information.
5.Pricing and Subscription Plan Changes
We reserve the right to adjust service prices at any time and in any manner. Changes to pricing or subscription plans will take effect after notification.
6.Subscription Adjustments
We support modifications to your subscription, such as changing the delivery address, adjusting the delivery schedule, pausing subscriptions, canceling subscriptions, or resuming subscriptions. All changes will take effect in the next delivery cycle. For details, please log in to your account after subscribing.